RAM Priming unit by RCBS

Product description
With the RAM Priming Unit you can easily place primers in the case in a consistent manner. The unit is placed on your existing reloading press, by means of the lock ring you determine the depth at which the primer is placed. The case is held in place with your existing shell holder. This set is suitable for the priming of large and small primers and is suitable for single-stage and turret presses (7/8-inch-14 threads).
The set consists of:
- RAM priming unit with lock ring and holder for the shell holder.
- Holder for the applicator of the primer.
- Large and small primer rod assemblies for boxer type rifle & pistol primers.
- Instruction booklet.
- Posted by: Bram on 27 July 2023Net binnen en nu al zeer tevreden. Hiermee heb je volledige controle over de diepte van het slaghoedje en met hoeveel kracht je deze zet. Klein minpuntje is het ontbreken van een stelschroefje in de moer.